Why Does The Dental Crown On My Tooth Taste Bad?
Why Does The Dental Crown On My Tooth Taste Bad? Is a question that Tigard Dentist Dr. Justin Marostica gets from his patients on occasion. Sometimes the answer isn’t that easy and the truth is that it could be a few things. Most of the time it is not a good sign!! Occasionally a patient […]
Why Tillamook Cheese Is Good For Your Smile?
Everyone in Oregon loves Tillamook cheese! This is one of the first things I realized when I moved here 5 years ago and the only cheese my wife would buy was Tillamook. But why does everyone love Tillamook cheese? And have you wondered Why Tillamook Cheese Is Good For Your Smile? Well, it is 100% real […]
Creative Ways to Get Your Children to Care For Their Teeth
Most children love the month of October because of the Halloween holiday. They will anticipate the trick-or-treating and gather up candy from their evening outing. But all the candy can damage your children’s teeth. Here at TenderCare Dental we are committed to your families health and we want to provide you with creative ways to […]
Tigard Dentist Gives Local Families More Confidence
Dr. Justin Marostica, our Tigard OR dentist will be volunteering free dental care to families in need at the Compassion Clinic, on Saturdays October 12th, 2013 from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM at Tigard High School. The Tigard Compassion Clinic is a Free one day health clinic, designed to help low income families receive health […]
Portland, OR Dentist Discusses Prevention and Treatment of Oral Disease
Oral health is essential to general health and quality of life. It is a state of being fee from mouth and facial pain, oral and throat cancer, oral infection and sores, gum disease, tooth decay, tooth loss, and other diseases or disorders that limit an individual’s capacity in biting, chewing, smiling, speaking, and psychosocial wellbeing. […]
Portland, OR Dentist Discusses the Causes and Prevention of Bad Breath
One of most popular questions I get asked as a dentist in Portland, OR is what causes bad breath, and what can be done to prevent it from occurring. 90% of the cause of bad breath originates in the mouth. It is caused by the bacteria naturally found in the mouth. The bacteria break down […]
Dentist Tigard OR: 5 After School Snacks for Your Teeth
As a Dentist in Tigard OR, I not only think after school snacks should be healthy for their bodies but also for their teeth. So I have come up with 5 after school snacks that will be good for your child’s teeth. It is important that their diet be well rounded and adhere to the […]
Dentist in Tigard OR: Sealants An Important Part of Your Child’s Oral Health
As a Family Dentist in Tigard OR, I see lots of children or all ages and one thing that I have found to be incredibly important for a child’s oral health are sealants. Some parents are confused when I make the recommendation that their child have sealants and think that their child might have a […]