New Antibacterial Agent Boosts Toothpaste Effectiveness

Curry Toothpaste

Here at TenderCare Dental, we suggest to our patients a myriad of ways to help fight plaque. The most effective way to care for your teeth is, of course, to brush your teeth with toothpaste at least twice a day and floss daily.

Most toothpastes contain fluoride and triclosan, which is an antibacterial agent and a copolymer.

There are many benefits to this combination:
• Prevents the triclosan from being washed away by saliva
• Reduces plaque
• Reduces gingivitis
• Reduces bleeding gums
• Slightly reduces tooth decay


Gingivitis and tooth decay are the main causes of tooth loss. Plaque build-up in the mouth is the cause of both. When the bacterial film builds up on the teeth, if left untreated, can lead to periodontitis, which is a more serious gum disease that can cause extreme pain and loose teeth.

New research from the Cochrane Oral Health Group reviewed 30 published studies of toothpastes all containing triclosan and copolymer. Their analysis found that those toothpastes with both ingredients had a 22% reduction in plaque, a 22% reduction in gingivitis, a 48% reduction in bleeding gums, and a 5% reduction in tooth decay (cavities) compared to toothpastes with fluoride alone.

There are sufficient clinical studies that show these toothpastes reduce the incidences of cavities and the presence of plaque and gingivitis.

There are many ways to cure gingivitis or gum disease if you develop it. Our doctors and compassionate staff can help ease your concerns by answering any questions you may have. Here at TenderCare Dental, we have multiple ways we can help solve this problem.

Scaling and root planing is the most common and conservative form of treatment for periodontal disease before it becomes severe. This technique allows us to clean between teeth and gums all the way down to the roots.

Scaling and root planing remove the plaque and calculus. Plaque is more likely to stick to rough surfaces. For this reason, the root surface is made smooth in a process (root planing). Root planing removes any remaining calculus and smoothes irregular areas of the root surface.

For early stages of the disease, this treatment may be all that is needed to get the condition under control. This is especially effective with gingivitis. With more advanced gum disease, scaling and root planing may be the first step before surgery.

For more information on periodontal treatment, visit us.