Is Heart Disease Linked to Gum Disease? Gum disease which is also called periodontal disease can be connected to heart disease, a recent study by the American Dental Association proved that gum disease has been linked to other major health problems such as diabetes, stroke, heart attack, osteoporosis and premature and underweight babies.
Many people wonder if gum disease is contagious. If you kiss someone who has gum disease, the bacteria can be transferred into the mouth of the other person. There is likely chance that the other person could get the infected bacteria.
Gum disease happens with a build up of plaque. It is formed when sugar mixes with bacteria and sticks to the teeth. When this happens it will harden, forming tartar. Increased tartar causes the gums to pull away from the teeth forming a pocket.
The deeper the pocket, the worse the disease, it literally eats away at the teeth and gums.
Swallowed bacteria enters the blood stream and can attach to plaque in the arteries, which blocks the flow of nutrients and oxygen, thus increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack. Approximately 80 percent of adults have some form of gum disease; most people don’t even realize it. Bleeding gums or toothaches can signal the early stage of gum disease. It is best to visit us for a regular routine check up to determine if you are at risk for gum disease.
People who have periodontal disease are twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease. Some more advanced symptoms of gum disease include chronic bad breath, swollen gums, loose or separating teeth, pus between the gums and tooth, and a shift in the way the teeth fit together while biting down.
Dr. Hana Walkup, a dentist in Beaverton says. “Most people think that you floss to remove food from between the teeth, but it’s not to remove food. It’s to remove plaque and bacteria off the sides of the teeth.”
Keep flossing and brushing daily to help prevent gum disease.