Best Natural Ingredients for Your Teeth

There are a lot of natural ingredients found in nature that can help your smile shine. Some ingredients are so easy to use and great for your mouth that you can do it yourself at home. Taking care of your teeth is about balance, and putting natural products in your mouth is much better than putting chemical filled products. These are our doctor recommendations for ingredients inspired by Mother Nature.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is a great herbal dental treatment. There are many studies that prove people who use this ingredient show signs of reduced  gingivitis.

People, who brush their teeth with this, often have less oral health symptoms and less chronic pain like gingivitis. Tea tree oil works best when your brush your teeth with it.  For optimal results find it in a natural toothpaste form.

Bark and Twigs

Twigs are great for your oral health, they have volatile oils in them which can stimulate blood flow and circulation. The oils can cleanse your gum tissue.

Ingredients like vitamin C, will also help maintain healthy gums. Eucalyptus, oak and juniper trees are the best type of trees for your smile. You can find these ingredients in all natural oak bark toothpastes. Oak Bark is a dentist-approved ingredient found in nature.


Calcium is a great bone strengthener. Many studies have shown that people who don’t get the recommended daily amount of calcium, are much more prone to get periodontal disease and bone fractures.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to aid in healing, and help the bodies defense system, vitamin C is good for healing your  gum tissue.

Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Most toothpaste and gels use baking soda in them because they will help heal the body. Baking soda is good for the teeth and gums. It has healing property in it which can aid in helping cure gum disease.

Look for toothpaste with these ingredients. Any paste with baking soda as well as hydrogen peroxide in it  will improve your gums. Using these ingredients to brush your teeth will help. This can reduce inflammation in your body, because it kills plaque and bacteria.

There are many natural ingredients you can use to heal your body.