Beaverton Dentists Support the Beaverton Education Foundation

Beaverton Dentists recently donated $500 to the Beaverton Education Foundation to support local education. Beaverton Dentists, Dr. Andrew Thompson, Justin Marostica, and Lennie Wong, all of TenderCare Dental recently held an online campaign using check ins on Facebook to raise money to donate to 4 local charities. It was up to their patients and those that “Like” them on Facebook to determine who would ultimately win the money.

Beaverton Dentist Dr. Andrew Thompson presents $500 to the Beaverton Educations Foundation.
Beaverton Dentist Dr. Andrew Thompson presents $500 to the Beaverton Educations Foundation.



















Simply, TenderCare Dental would donate $1 dollar for every check in on Facebook at their 9 locations. The patients were then prompted to vote for one of the four charities involved. The four charities involved were The Edwards Center, Tigard-Tualatin Education Foundation, Beaverton Education Foundation, and Forest Grove Education Foundation. It was a tight race all the way to the end, but the Beaverton Education Foundation was able to pull it out with an email campaign that encouraged all of their clients to check in and vote on TenderCare Dental’s Facebook page.

Beaverton Dentist Dr. Justin Marostica presents $500 to the Beaverton Educations Foundation.
Beaverton Dentist Dr. Justin Marostica presents $500 to the Beaverton Education Foundation.











We are so very proud to be able to donate money to this awesome charity. The Beaverton Education Foundation funds pay for programs not mandated or funded by the state, but ones parents and dedicated educators consider necessary for a quality education. State funding for education in Oregon is inadequate for many basic programs, insufficient to fund enrichment programs, and unavailable to underwrite innovative programs. The Foundation directly supports student programs; purchasing equipment and materials, funding visiting artists and scientists, and helping offset transportation and facility fees.

TenderCare Dental is proud to support the Beaverton Education Foundation. We plan to run this same campaign in the near future to help support other local charities. If you are a local charity or know of a local charity that might benefit from TenderCare Dental’s generous offering please email or call us at 503-670-7088.