Tigard Dentist and the team from TenderCare Dental volunteered their time at the Oregon Food Bank. The Oregon Food Bank distributes emergency food to hunger relief agencies throughout Oregon and Washington. Volunteers are an essential part of the Oregon Food Banks program. It is through the generous giving of time as a volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank that people’s lives are improved, families are helped, and communities are inspired.
It is easy to volunteer and you can volunteer in shifts that range from two to three hours. Most volunteers can help with repacking food donations, leading nutritional education classes, maintaining the gardens, or even helping out in the office. There are two facilities in the Portland Metro Area, so volunteer opportunities are limitless. If you want to volunteer follow this link. Oregon Food Bank.
As a Dentist in Tigard OR we believe in giving back to our community. We volunteered two hours of our time and helped package frozen vegetables into two pound bags for redistribution. Our efforts although small produced 4,972 pounds of food, 3,142 meals for people, which is the equivalent to 99 meals per volunteer. This was a very successful opportunity to help those in our community and to make a difference. We plan on continuing to volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank to reduce hunger in Oregon and surrounding areas.