What Causes Itchy Teeth
If you’ve ever experienced the sensation of itchy teeth, you know attempting to scratch is helpless. So we did some research on what really causes the itch.
Removing Toothpaste Stains
Most people have experienced a toothpaste stain on their shirt, carpet, towels, and even your teeth! Here are some tips on how to remove these pesky stains.
Creative Ways to Get Your Children to Care For Their Teeth
Most children love the month of October because of the Halloween holiday. They will anticipate the trick-or-treating and gather up candy from their evening outing. But all the candy can damage your children’s teeth. Here at TenderCare Dental we are committed to your families health and we want to provide you with creative ways to […]
Best Halloween Dental Inspired Costumes
October is a great month; in fact it is one of our favorite times of the year here at TenderCare Dental. Our family friendly dental office is always thinking of new creative ways to engage and connect with our community. We particularly love the holiday Halloween because it gives us all an opportunity to dress […]