I would rather Jump Out of a Plane than go to the Dentist
We all know going to the dentist can be scary, but for “Jane the Virgin” star Gina Rodriguez, she would rather jump out of a plane. Gina Rodriguez freely admits her fear of the dentist during an interview with David Letterman saying, “When I was a kid, I had a dentist that would strap me down… I was […]
Tigard Dentist: Why Do Dentists Take X-Rays?
Why do dentists take X-Rays? Well, there are a lot of reasons. Learn more on our latest blog!
Tigard OR Dentist: How You Can Have Better Fitting Dentures
You Can Have Better Fitting Dentures! I am a Dentist in Tigard OR and a frequent question I get from patients who wear dentures is, “How can I have better fitting dentures?” My answer is almost always, “have you considered dental implants?” Before dental implants were readily used as a way to replace missing teeth […]
Portland OR Dentist Helps You Navigate The Dental Obstacle Course
Do you want to Navigate The Dental Obstacle Course? Time, fear and money. These are the 3 most popular obstacles that keep people from going to the dentist regularly. I want to address each obstacle and offer some solutions to each one. This first obstacle is time. More specifically, the lack of it. Work, school, […]
The Origins of Fears Related to the Dentist
Fear of the dentist is something Dr. Justin Marostica, a dentist in Tigard, encounters on a daily basis and he wants people to know that it is very common. So, what are the major sources of fear in the dental environment? A recent survey of dental fears found that the highest fear ratings were given […]